Last Updated on 21-Apr.-2020

    Japanese Band Plan is too complicated and hard to understand such as examples below.

    Example 1 (It was resolved on 21-Apr.-2020)
    160m band is divided two pieces as 1810KHz-1825KHz and 1907.5KHz-1912.5KHz.
    That means JA hams are not able to transmit FT8 normal 1840KHz.

    Example 2
    80m band is divided six small pieces and some frequency area of Narrow Band Data
    such as FT8 is only permitted between JA and outside of JA stations.

    Existing Band Plan is difficult to understand from non JA stations point of view,
    since there are lots of discriptions which are not applicable for non JA stations.
    To solve this issue, FEDXP(Far East DX-Ploiters) has created simplified Band Plan for
    out side of JA stations collaborated with CQ Publishing Co.,Ltd.
    We hope this is very useful for QSO with JA stations.

    Download Japanese Band Plan (Only for the outside of Japan)
